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Upcoming Events

Rediscovering personal power and purpose.


When we were small, we believed we could be whatever we wanted to be ( “When I grow up I want to be a dinosaur, or a Princess”), make friends with whoever amused us, and let people know when we felt annoyed, and eat whatever tasted delicious.


When did the rules change, and why have things become so complex?


This core workshop challenges your young ladies to reconnect with their core values and beliefs and helps them tap back into their own authentic selves.

This workshop is to assist our young girls in being better equipped for the real world. 

Your Host


Crystal is a highly successful female business leader with over 30 years of Federal service at the helm of her mission to inspire, motivate, and energize others to identify their purpose and live into their potential.

Determined to make an impact by leaving a legacy, she founded the non-profit, ‘It’s A Girl Thing”. By using her own life experiences as motivation for her mission and vision, she equips and encourages young girls to dream big and live.

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